The Khmer New Year usually happens on April This is a happy time when Combodians celebrate the New Year


Before the New Year starts, people clean the house and everything and put some lncanse, candles , fruits, flower and other things on a table in front of their house. In the morning of the first day. The older people take food, cakes, incense, candles and flowers to the pagoda and pray for their ancestors, The young people enjoy Khmer popular games at home or in the pagoda. In the aftemoon people retum to the pagoda pray with the monks and listen to traditional music then they listen traditional music. Then they enjoy traditional game and dance. In the evening then they invlfe their friends and and. Neighbours for dinner. Then they play games and dance in front of their houses. On the second day. People do the same things as on the first day. But in the aftemoon of the third day there is an important ceremony. The monks say special prayers and throw water over the Buddhas and people.

The Khmer New Year is a very happy time for all Cambodian people.