Here below we would like to quote message from Mr. Harry, a member of STEPS.
As we used the facebook for the contest this time, we've taken time for voting and the internal discussion.
We decided two prizes this time, Gold award and Silver award.
Before Christmas, let me announce you the results as follows:
- Gold (1st) Prize : Total STEPS Point 15 — "H5N1bird flu"
- Silver (2nd) Prize : Total STEPS Point 14 — "Good habit of Tumpuon child"
- Next rank: the same results - STEPS Point 12
- Good Tampuan minority student
- Life of a minority student Tola
For the awards, we are thinking of transferring donated money, and have you buy some goods for schools as well as any presents for the kids involved in the above movies.
Maybe Gold prize for school plus some presents for kids are around 250 USD, and Silver prize are around 150 USD.
We'd like to have you use money for schools, but also want you to buy some presents to the kids.
That's what we are thinking now.
Thank you.
On 5th January 2012, Mr. Sovann received the amount of 392.16 USD from Mr. Harry of STEPS.
As this January, Rainbow-Kawasaki school computer report from Mr. Ratanak, 3 pcs got problem; after discussion with our teachers and students, we decided to use the fund of donation to buy 2 computer machines.
While the kids involved the movie of this year, each received 3 books and 2 pens.
More images will be upload later...