
The Pleasure Of Reading

We get pleasure in various ways. Some find pleasure in eating dellclous thing . In heaning the sweet small of flowers. Reading an interesting account of any think is an in tellectuai pleasure; so also is the pleasure of learning the truth of sclence or wit-nessing a fine drarna.

In reading. We can get pleasure in many ways. We may appredate the style of the language in which the idees are exprassed, the beautiful of expresslon, or we may be canted away by arrangernent of the ideas. The togical sequence of thoughts and the thoughts themselvas. Some books have all these com- binations.

However, reading may be a mara indulgence if it is pursued to the detriment of our proper work. Then it is bad as any sonsual pleasure. For instance, many waste thair money and time in reading comics and thrillers. They are the panny dreadful. I tunce aven in the matter of reading. Our tasles are essenilal.