The School of Miraizu of Japan has donated some computers to ours school. Recently, this school donated some funds to ours school and Rainbow-Kawasaki school:

Thank Mr. Harry for introducing us to the School of Miraizu.

Thank you very much Professor Izumi and her friends for baking 350 cookies to sell for donation!


No.DescriptionAmountDate [YYY/MM/DD]Links
6 2011 Short film festival 392.16$ 2012/01/05 STEPS Short Film Festival 2011 Award
5 Fund from donors for 2010 Film Festival 345$ 2011/01/13
4 Via Miss Phallin Chean & Her Mother 370$ 2010/06/07 Letter of Thanks
The event of Miraizu 2010
3 Via Miss Chea Phallin & Mr. Sophalla 250$ 2009/12/14 Letter of Thanks
2 Through Mr. Rick Dyck and Miss Chea Phallin 420$ 2009/06/23 Letter of Thanks
1 Through Mr. Rick Dyck 486$ 2009/01/14 Letter of Thanks

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