Step 1

Chaklem   : Hi! What is your name?

Sokhany   : Hi! My name is Sokhany. And What is your name?

Chaklem   : My name is Chaklem. How old are you?

Sokhany   : I am 12 years old. And how old are you?

Chaklem   : I am 10 years old.


Step 2

Chaklem   : Oh! What's this?

Sokhany   : It is a rular. And what's this?

Chaklem   : It is a bag. Is this your rular?

Sokhany   : No, It is not my rular. Is this your bag.

Chaklem   : Yes, It is my bag.


Step 3

Sokhly     : Virak! What is on the table?

Virak       : It is a keyboard. And what is on the chair?

Sokhly     : It is a mouse. Can you use mouse?

Virak       : Yes, I can. I can use it well.

Sokhly     : What are these on the keyboard?

Virak       : These are "Sheft, Ctrl, Tab, Caps Lock, Back Space, Enter, Delete, Alt, and so on..