No one can dispute the fact that food is very important. We simply have to eat in order to live. What sort of food do we eat?

In this modern world, there are all sorts of food available for sale. Many of us are obsessed with food. We are always eating this snack or that ice-cream besides our normal meals. There are fast foods, instant meals and package lunch. Then there are feasts to celebrate weddings, funerals and so on. We get business lunches, candlelight dinners and midnight supper. Our mouths are constant motion, grinding and chewing the stuff we put in them. No wonder there are many overweight people. So they go on various diets to try to reduce their weight. They usually fail.

While we are deluged with food, there are people starving to death in far-off places. Here we have too much food. There they have none. Maybe, just maybe, if we don't eat so much, some food may go to them.