Duling Pchum Ben festival. people are very happy to visit their hometown to meet their parents and grandparents.

As soon as Pchum Ben day arrives .I am planning to visit my native village in Battambang province for three days, three days before the main ceremony starts we are going to buy some clothes, food and fruit for my grand parents there. Moreover, we are going to give some money to some old people in the village which is our  culture during Pchum Ben. We are going to take food to  some of the pagodas there for our  ancestors who died and were ghosts in the hell.
Every night we are going to the pagodas to listen to the monk's preaching and prayer and every early moming, we  are going to take  balls of  rice and some desert to throw around the temples in the pagodas. We are going to have a party with our relatives there.

In my conclusion, l hope that we will have a wonderful time to visit our  relatives in Battambang.