During the Khmer New Year is a wonderful time for Cambodian people. They usually celebrate It for three days in the middle of April, which is the best time in a year because the people have already harvested their rice crops.

Next year I'm planning to visit my relatives in Battanbang.Which is an agricultural province in the north-west of Cambodia. during the Khmer Happy New Year,I wan (to visit there because one of my uncles there told me that it was really exciting during the festival, and the people were marvel our. I am going to travel by bus with some of my friends. I hope that the' joumey will take along time to get there, and it will be very safe, we are staying in my uncle's house for a week. So we will have more time to do a lot of things there. Playing Khmer traditional games and visiting some attractive places.

I expect we will have a good time and get wonderful experiences from this people in Battanbang.