The Ezra Vogel Special Skills School and The Rainbow-Kawasaki School received 370 USD of donation from the event of the School of Miraizu. Thank you very much Professor Izumi and her friends for baking 350 cookies to sell for donation!
Please Read the letter of thanks from the two schools.
The lady from SO class holds the box that says "Let's take action!"
Miss Phallin Chea says: "Thank you for buying our coffee! And cookies!"
Ale is playing a role as Sakamoto Ryoma (a famous Japanese leader who changed Japanese history) and whose philosophies are loved by most of Japanese people including the School of Miraizu co-director, Mr. Toshi, and other outstanding business leaders.
Jay (Kozu-san), wants to contribute Japanese elementary textbooks. He used to go to Cambodia to negotiate business deal relating the environmental issues such as 'emission trading' etc..
Selling mini-pot plant. Thanks Harry for planting them!
'Oryo' team*Oryo is Sakamoto Ryoma's wife, who is famous for being very intelligent and supportive to her husband.
Candy is considered to be Oryo of Miraizu.
Mr. Toshi, the co-director of Miraizu and who loves Sakamoto Ryoma's philosophy that 'Everybody is equally important, and let's make use of each person's strenght!
Miraizu performs ‘If you are happy, you clap your hands’.
Mirazu has many beautiful ladies!
Two beautiful ladies : Phallin and ??? Oops!