In every household there are many tasks that must be done on a regular basis. It is my belief that performing these tasks is the responsibility of all members of a family, including the children. Also, each member of the family benefits then the tasks are completed. Therefore, I agree that children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so.

Household tasks are a family responsibility and children are part of the family. Each should do tasks that are appropriate for his age and abilities. Performing these tasks allows children to contribute to the well-being of the family and feel that they are vital members. Household tasks can also teach children many things, such as responsibility, cooperation, and the importance of doing a job well. In addition, children can learn independence through doing household chores. These are all important characteristics to develop not only because the children may have to do such chores by themselves later in life, but because these traits will benefit them in everything they do. By learning to take responsibility at home, they can learn to be responsible at school and at work.

To sum up, I believe that asking children to do household chores will benefit them later in life. They will take the lessons they learn ­-­-­ responsibility, cooperation and independence — with them for the rest of their lives.