Most people wear different types of clothing for different occasions. They may wear a uniform to school or work, a formal suit to a party, and sportswear on the weekends. Does ‘what people wear affect their behavior? I believe it does, as can be illustrated by the following examples.

first of all, more formal clothing reminds us that we must behave in a polite and formal way. When we ear a business suit, we may think about our actions more seriously. We not only command more respect, but also give it. The example of “casual Fridays” at many companies shows us that more informal clothing can make us behave more informally as well. This practice encourages employees to relax at the office and express themselves more. In addition, when we attend a formal social occasion, such as a wedding, our special clothing makes the event seem more special. We are certain to behave in a more polite manner. finally, wearing a costume allows us to behave in a completely different manner. We may take on the persona of the character we are dressed as, or just let ourselves go while we are “someone else”.

Given the above examples, I think it is clear that our clothing influences the way that we behave. This may be because of the way we feel in the clothing itself, or because of the way our clothing leads others to treat us. Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that we feel more comfortable when appropriately dressed for the occasion.