One night I took a heavy meal and went to bed eartter as usual at 8.30 pm. I had meny pleasant and unpleasant dreams that night Of all these. The one that l could not easlly forget from my rnemory was a frlghlening dream.

I dreamt that whlle I was with my parents in a nelghbouring estate. I was carrted away by a man-eafer. Although I was shouting and sreaming on one could hear me. The tiger caught me by one of my legs and I was pulled Biong a long a lonely path before it got ready to an appetfzer.

However, I was tucky enough. As the tiger was getting ewsy to eat me, the manager to the estale Mr. Jarnes, accidentally passing that way heard me crying. He took out Tils stiot gun  and fired at the tiger. It died inslantly. So from that day. I always made sure that I took a tight meat.