
As we progress deep into the modern world, we make for ourselves an unnaturally dirty place to live in. This is our polluted enviroment.

Factories, cars and other machinery emit polluting gases into the atmosphere, producing smong and dirty air. We breathe this dirty air.

We dump garbage and industrial waste into the rivers, killing the fishes and other ereatures living there . We dring this water.

Everywhere irresponsible people throw plastic bags , cigaratte butts, old tin cans and other rubbish onto the land and into the rivers and seas. Drive along my road or walk by any river and you will see the incredlble amount of rubbish that people have discarded without regard for their enviroment.

Can we save our enviroment from this pollution ? We can if we to. But judging by the enormity of the problem, it would be a very difficult task, indeed.