On the first Saturday of the school holidays I went on a camping trip with my friends. We camped by the sea. We had a wonderful week there playing in the sea, cooking our won food and generally enjoying ourselves.

When I returned home I had to rest for a couple of days because my skin was burned by the sun's rays and my whole body was exhausted. I had overexerted my body.

I then borrowed some videotapes from the video shop and watched my favorite shows. This time I over strained my eyes and I had to stop watching television for a few days.

Thus I realized I must not be excessive in whatever I do. Moderation is best.

Next my mother asked me to repaint the doors. They needed a new coat of paint badly. So I bought some paint and did the job, this time making sure not to overexert myself. I must say I thoroughly enjoyed myself


Finally I did a bit of revision on my schoolwork. Thus when school reopened I was able to cope with the work. Well, I would say my holidays had been worth-while.